Curriculum Vitae
Smith College, University of Cincinnati, Art Academy of Cincinnati
Herron School of Art of Indiana University B.F.A. 1960
National Exhibitions
Chicago Art Institute American Show (Sculpture) 1941
Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio
Burr Gallery Print Fair N.Y.C.
Hanover College National Graphics Exhibition, Wabash, Indiana
DePauw University National Print Exhibition
Society of American Graphic Artists Print Exhibitions, AAA Gallery (Member)
Ben and Beatrice Goldstein Foundation Award, N.Y.C. 1971
Max-24 66 (Small painting exhibition), Purdue University, Indiana
Istan Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Philadelphia Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts - Water Color, Drawing and Print Biennial 1969
Imprint Gallery, San Francisco, California 1972
Van Straaten Gallery, Chicago, Illinois 1973
Mcnay Institute, San Antonio, Texas 1972
Society of American Graphic Artists, International Traveling Exhibition 1974-75
Saga Exhibition Pratt Graphics, N.Y.C. 1976
Indiana State Museum, Summer 1976
Art from Business and Corporate Collections, Indianapolis Museum of Art 1977
Society of American Graphic Artists, International Traveling Exhibition 1977-78
Tucson Museum of Art 1978
Society of American Graphic Artists Honorable Mention 1981
One Man Shows
Sheldon Swope Art Gallery (Museum) Terra Haute, Indiana 1963
Jason Gallery (Two Man show) New York City 1964
1444 Gallery Indianapolis, Indiana 1962
Orange County College Middletown, New York 1964
Park Avenue Gallery Indianapolis, Indiana 1964-June
Harriet Crane Gallery Cincinnati, Ohio 1965-June
Talbot Gallery Indianapolis, Indiana 1967-April
Merida Gallery Louisville, Kentucky 1967-October
Herron Museum of Art Indianapolis, Indiana 1969-December
Editions Limited Gallery Indianapolis, Indiana 1972-March
Sheldon Swope Gallery (Museum) Terra Haute, Indiana 1973
Franklin College Franklin, Indiana 1973
Washington Gallery (Two Man show) Frankfort, Indiana 1975
Tucson Museum School Tucson, Arizona 1977
Editions Limited Gallery Indianapolis, Indiana 1979-September
Editions Limited Gallery Indianapolis, Indiana 1983-January
Indianapolis Art Center Retrospective Print and Drawing Exhibition Traveling Indiana for One Year 1992-September
Public Collections
Continental Illinois Bank Chicago, Illinois
DePauw University Greencastle, Indiana
Indiana State College Terra Haute, Indiana
Indiana State Medical Society Indianapolis, Indiana
Sheldon Swope Art Gallery (Museum) Terra Haute, Indiana
Stevens College St. Louis, Missouri
Boston Public Library Boston, Massachusetts
United States Information Service (10 prints for use in Embassies worldwide)
Lafayette Art Center Lafayette, Indiana
Lippman Associates, Architects Indianapolis, Indiana
J. B. Speed Museum Louisville, Kentucky
I.B.M. Building Indianapolis, Indiana
Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn, New York
Cincinnati Art Museum Cincinnati, Ohio
New York Public Library New York City
Columbia University Gallery New York City
Biodynamics, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana
Fidelity Bank Carmel, Indiana
Tucson Museum of Art Tucson, Arizona
Portland Museum of Art Portland, Oregon
Indianapolis Museum of Art Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis Art Center Indianapolis, Indiana
State of Israel Tel Aviv, Israel
Union of Reform Judaism New York City
Private Collections
Many Private Collections Including but not limited to:
Melvin Simon Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Glick
Leland Cross
Jeff Feris
Rowland and Associates
Walker Research
Cinotta Architectural Systems
Marc Streibel
Marc Petit
Charles Campbell
Joseph G. and Keala Wolf
Included in the Listings of:
Who's Who in American Art 1966, 1970, 1976
Who's Who in American Women 1970, 1971, 1976
Who's Who in the Midwest 1971, 1975
World Who's Who of Women 1974
Who's Who in America 1983-1997
Faculty, Herron School of Art 1969-1973
(Drawing and Lithography)
Indianapolis Art Center 1974-1982
Work Handled Editions Limited Gallery Indianapolis, Indiana
Confederated Artists Centerville, Ohio
Fidelity Arts Beverly Hills, California
Mixed Media Chicago, Illinois
Editions Limited San Francisco, California

© Copyright 2013 Amanda R. Block - All Rights Reserved